by Gene Steele
This is a short essay about Alimony, Bikers and Cranial-rectumitis; describing the manner each links to the other as it pertains to motorcycling. Three seemingly different categories which I have, admittedly, in-depth knowledge and personal experience with. It could be said that these ABC's have been the A, B, C's of my adult life.
Those with hands-on experience with Alimony, either as the payor, or the payee, can relate to the hard lump in your chest that aches, or flutters, when the thought of those unjust, or justly deserved, mandatory finacial alimony obligations are completed. Think of equity...
Now the Biker community can be dissected in much the same manner as we did with Alimony. those who seem to forever be obligated by an honest conviction for the preservation of motorcycling, and those who suck every advantage out of motorcycling and put no effort whatsoever into helping those who work their ass off! And are working their ass off to provide a lifestyle and opportunities smoe bikers ignorantly assume are entitled to them as some sort of defacto birth right!
There is probably some sort of official word that describes the attitude and behavior of lethargic bikers. I don't know what it is, but in layman's terms it is known as Cranial-rectumitis: "the ability of riding a motorcycle with your head up your ass." Unaware or unconcerned of the efforts by others which permit everyone to ride free!
Think of Alimony...
Perhaps you can envision yourself, or somebody you know, being infected with Cranial-rectumitis. If so, why not make some copies of this politically correct essay and send 'em a copy. Think...if ya knew someone with halitosis, you'd give 'em a breath mint, wouldn't you?
Normally this last paragraph would contain a conclusion of the aforementioned facts; I don't believe this is necessary due to the axiomatic nautre of the materials. However, should you still not get it, you must have Cranial-rectumitis. Think of a butt plug....