"Safety Helmets"
Are Not Necessarily "Safe"!

      The accompanying advertisement is just a sample of the types of advertising that is being done to promote the purchase and use of neck protectors.

      Now, these neck protectors are not designed for use for any other purpose than to protect the neck of a "safety helmet" user from the potential harm which NHTSA (the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) and others (the insurance industry) deny exists -- the potential that the very device used to protect your head (the so-called "safety helmet") will, under certain circumstances, break your neck.

      Most of the major helmet manufacturers, particularly those that manufacture to helmet choice of NHTSA -- the full-face helmet, manufacture a similar neck protection device. Many come with complete harness assemblies which fit under the arms and attach to the "safety helmet" by clips into d-rings mounted on the side of the helmet.

      The main point to be taken from this presentation is that the helmet law advocates' denial that helmets break necks is pretty hard to maintain when the manufacturers of helmets are, as demonstrated here, promoting products to prevent such outcomes.

      I guess this is just one more of those instances where if we watch what people do, and put it up against what they say; the truth will eventually become self-evident -- helmets hurt!

      Although we do not advocate any form of helmet law, the Helmet Law Defense League wants to make it clear that the choice to wear a helmet is as valuable a choice as the freedom NOT to wear a helmet; and if that's what a person wants to do, then we say "Go for it." (Our thanks to Red Barron for the copy of the ad.) -q