Date: Tue, 11 Feb 1997 07:47:30 -0800
To: (Quig)
From: (Kevin)
Subject: Drunk Driving

NHTSA has lost it again. I will be happy to write some comments about this. For instance I always swerve at low speed when approaching a traffic sensitive light so it will register my bike and I won't have to run the son of a bitch. I quess that means that I have a 50% chance of being drunk whether I swerve or run it. I guess if I do both I am 100% drunk. Why take a breathalyser? Then there is the problem of my injured knee. I guess dismounting for me will add another 50%. I guess the easiest way to get a rider to dismount is to pull them over. The "swerving in a corner" or in motorcylists terms changing the line in a corner is something that should be avoided, unfortunately an observant rider will make adjustments in a corner to avoid oil, gravel, wet pavement etc. I love the fact that carrying an open container of alcohol on a motorcycle is indicative of a drunk driver. They must have had Sherlock Holmes himself figure that out. I am surprised that the idiots didn't look at the times of the DWI's I bet alot of them were after the bars closed. I would think doing a wheelie at 2AM leaving the bar would indicate a drunk driver. Of course I don't drink and am prone to do wheelies at any time. I find myself in agreement about one item though involving alertness. It seems that when I am breaking the speed limit cruising at 85 or 90 and watching for cops I seldom have any problems. It is when I slow down and just start enjoying my day that one of those assholes always seems to appear. I find it interesting that NHTSA states that all motorcycles speed. Since California has a prima facie speed limit and obviously a motorcycle has more room than a car I am sure we can use this information on a speeding ticket. I also think that if drunk driving is the main problem that maybe we should get off of helmet laws and try to enforce it. Maybe anyone convicted of DWI should be forced to wear a helmet. I know its cruel and unusual but they already seize property without warrants so why not take the next step.
