"Without Motorcycle Helmets,
             We All Pay The Price"

(A propoganda piece by NHTSA.)

          For years, the Helmet Law Defense League has engaged the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in a myriad of ways in order to bring their abuses against the bikers to the attention of the community and others.

          NHTSA first came to our attention when they proved to be the source of the campaign against bikers for wearing "illegal helmets" -- over 50,000 such citations were written in California during a period of just over two years from enactment of California's helmet law in January of 1992. Since that time, through our contacts with various representatives at NHTSA, we have collected a substantial amount information which support our contention that NHTSA is anti-biker, and validating our belief that they otherwise don't know what they're talking about.

          As you'll see as you review the documents and video that are part of their latest assault on the motorcycling community -- NHTSA's "Without Motorcycle Helmets, We All Pay The Price" propaganda package. When you strip away the style of the presentation (very expensive stuff), and the emotionalism of their claims; it's just "REEFER MADNESS" all over again. The production quality is top drawer, but the content is Paladin Press.

          Soon, we'll have the content of the written part of their presentation available for review on this site. For now, check out the Real Audio translation of the video . . . then feel free to e-mail us and let us know what you think. We'll be collecting and linking selected comments from bikers at the bottom of this page as they come in.

          We will be preparing a complete review of the rest of the information that came with their presentation -- colored brochures, deluxe packaging and the rest. Check back from time to time and see how this project develops. We're going to try to get them to take it back.


Last updated: January 1999
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