April 9, 1998

Mr. Mike Osborn
Ventura, California 93003

Dear Mike:

I enjoyed our conversation on April 8th when Rob and I had an opportunity to discuss the respective positions of ABATE of California and the AMA toward AB 1412.

As you know, the AMA has come out in opposition to what we perceive to be any effort to connect freedom of choice with insurance or other economic provisions that may suggest that motorcyclists contribute to a public burden. We understand that this position is contrary to ABATE of California's position in support of AB 1412.

Beyond our agreement to disagree on this piece of legislation, we also discussed the fact that ABATE of California and the AMA have walked down a long and productive road together, and that we intend to continue to do so in the future.

Neither party has any desire to let differing positions on one issue get in the way of a larger and broader agenda requiring dialogue, mutual respect, and cooperation in the interest of the long-term betterment of motorcycling. I can't tell you how pleased I am to know that you feel this way, because others have unfortunately escalated disagreement over similar legislation into emotional declarations of opposition and conflict toward the AMA. Such conflict, of course, is in no one's best interest.

Let's each keep the dialogue open, continue our search for common ground on every issue that confronts motorcycling, and work to assure our members and supporters that the AMA and ABATE of California remain partners in the motorcyclists rights movement.

Last updated: April 1998
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