Is there a God you ask? Karma perhaps? Well, these are lofty questions indeed, but there does seem to be a healthy "I Told You So" in the air... It's too small to read here, but on the cover of the TMRO's Lone Star Warrior below it reads:

One of these stars belongs to me.
I'll do what I must to keep it Free!

I still glaze over and fall asleep to nursury rhymes, glad I'm not the only one... So now Texas has a helmet mod bill and the authorities don't seem to care and are doing things, "their way!" BIG surprise... And now Texas is SO free that they can't even ride down the street without getting pulled over and when they do, the cops and judges don't care what they present to prove compliance. Congratulations Texas for showing us the way. (--Steve Shmerler)

By Bill "Sputnik" Strain, State Chairman
Lone Star Warrior, Feb 98 issue

Lone Star Warrior A Rider in San Angelo was stopped for not wearing a helmet. He showed the officer his insurance card from work but the officer would not accept that as proof of coverage and the man received a ticket. The rider then took the ticket and insurance card to the judge for dismissal but the judge also refused to accept anything but the policy as proof. I spoke with the judge and he doesn't care how it is supposed to be, he sets the rules in his court. The man has chosen to go to court with a date being set for Feb. 23rd. I shall attend this trial and hopefully get to testify as a expert witness. The rider has said he is ready to take the case all the way to the top. I am proud to see someone willing to go that extra mile. We shall go all the way with him. I shall ask one of our AIM Attorneys to accept the case but if necessary I will pay an attorney from Association funds to settle this issue. We knew when we accepted the Bill it would come to this. I expected I would be the test case.

We also have a member who was ticketed in Pantigo and found guilty by a jury in spite of the fact that he has a one million dollar health insurance policy. The officer testified that a rider needs insurance, rider Ed. and the sticker - the DA testified a rider must have the sticker and the Judge charged the jury that if they believe the man was not wearing a helmet then they must find him guilty. Is this America or some communist country. How can an innocent man be found guilty on such a trumped up farce. I say again THE SYSTEM IS BROKEN and we must repair it. [Editor's Note:You broke it! Nobody else is gonna fix it!]

I contacted the office of the Attorney General on this matter and was told a ruling request must come from a committee chairman. I then contacted Rep. Pitts' office and Representative Pitts has sent a letter, on our behalf, to Chairman Alexander requesting that he ask for a Attorney General's ruling as to whether the officers have a right to even stop us for not wearing a helmet. I have received a copy of Chairman Alexander's letter requesting the ruling. We are required to have a license and Liability insurance to ride at all but stopping us just because we are riding to check our license and insurance has been ruled unconstitutional. I believe this Bill should carry the same protection. Time will tell. Just another day in the life of your chairman.

March 1998 - follow up
By Bill "Sputnik" Strain, State Chairman
Lone Star Warrior, Feb 98 issue

The Attorney General should render his decision on whether riders can be stopped just because they are not wearing a helmet, sometime in march. Thanks to Rep. Pitts for initiating this request and to Chariman Alexander for writing the letter to the Attorney General.

For all those of you who believe that Lester's AIM program, promoted by his NCOM program, is not for Lester at any price; consider why it is that the ONLY national influence on the biker's rights movement to promote insurance mandates as a condition of not wearing helmet, is NCOM. And somebody tell me what it is that Lester has to gain by promoting mandatory insurance on motorcyclists. Who is that low-life, self-serving bastard NOT willing to sell out for personal gain? Better watch out! -quig

Last updated: March 1998
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