March 24, 1998

The Honorable Quentin L. Kopp, Chair
Senate Transportation Committee
State Capitol
Sacramento, CA 95814

Dear Senator Kopp:

The American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) is a not-for-profit organization with
223,000 members nationwide. On behalf of our 30,000 California members, we write
regarding the effort to modify California's helmet law via AB-1412.

The AMA supports voluntary helmet use for adult motorcyclists. however, we are
strongly opposed to provisions that condition rider choice on economic criteria
such as the insurance requirements amended to AB-1412. The health insurance
conditions of AB-1412 suggest that motorcyclists, and the costs related to their potential
injuries, as a draw on taxpayer dollars. This is simply not true.

The issue is first and foremost about the freedom of adults to make decisions
regarding personal safety for themselves. While the AMA encourages motorcyclists
to wear appropriate protective gear and ride responsibly, we strongly believe that adults
should have the right to voluntarily decide when to wear a helmet.

Motorcyclists are not a social burden. Less than 1/2 of one percent of the vehicles
involved in crashes nationwide are motorcycles. Studies by the University of North
Carolina's UNC Highway Safety Research Center examined heath-care costs
between helmeted and unhelmeted riders, as well as motorcyclists and other motorists.
Not only was it determined that motorcyclists are just as likely to be insured as other
motor-vehicle operators, but the costs of motorcyclists' injuries were slightly lower than
other road trauma victims. Additionally, helmet use was not shown to affect injury costs.

For these reasons, the AMA strongly encourages the removal of the insurance
conditions and subsequent approval of AB-1412.   With the economic conditions
of insurance in tact, the AMA cannot support this legislation.

Last updated: March 1998
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